Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5 Likely Dangers Of Drastic Weight Loss - Ayushveda

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Weight LossDespite professing to be individualistic by nature, humans typically possess herd mentality. In short, most individuals are influenced greatly by their peers to espouse certain kinds of behavior, follow particular fashion trends and even accept exacting norms regarding ideal body shape.?Societal and media pressure to stay thin is enormous. Excess body fat is frowned upon, while having a lean body frame is considered highly acceptable. To what extent will we go, to meet the demands that society in general and our peers in particular place upon us, to embrace a socially acceptable body shape?

An Insight into Drastic Weight Loss

Hollywood superstar Matthew McConaughey has undergone drastic weight loss to get into character for an upcoming movie. The robust celebrity has gone from hunky to gaunt in a matter of weeks. McConaughey has put down his drastic weight loss to a combination of extreme exercise regime and a calorie restricted diet plan.

Drastic weight loss or rapid weight loss refers to shedding a large amount of body weight in an extremely short span of time. Although rapid weight loss techniques can help individuals lose weight quickly, it can take a massive toll on their health. Some dangerous drastic weight loss techniques include excessive usage of laxatives, diet pills and / or diuretics.

Dangers Of Drastic Weight Loss

Type 2 Diabetes

Rapid weight loss can lead to multiple health complications. Stroke, type II diabetes and even multiple organ failure are some of the health complications brought on by losing weight rapidly. Some very real dangers of drastic weight loss are explained in this article.


Rapid weight loss involves losing water weight rapidly. It does not entail burning excess body fat. People who participate in extreme workout regimens in hot and humid environment, to lose excess body weight, become severely dehydrated. Similarly, people who abuse diuretics to lose weight quickly may lose dangerous amounts of body fluids. Dehydration in turn can lead to numerous short term and long term health complications.

Also Read

Reasons For Drastic Weight Loss
Healthy Effective Weight Loss Tips
Four Crucial Causes Of Weight Loss
Various Benefits Of Surgery To lose Weight
Unknown Facts About Weight Loss Foods


Our body requires vitamins, minerals and trace elements in precise amounts to carry out normal body functions. If our body is deprived of these vital elements it can cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea or anemia. When our body is systematically deprived of essential nutrients it can result in dangerous health problems including severe malnutrition.

Changes in Body Metabolism

The body metabolism is thrown completely out of gear when a person adopts rapid weight loss techniques. A lower than normal metabolic rate can lead to reduced energy levels, dizziness, fainting spells and dangerously low blood sugar levels.

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Women and young girls who adopt various drastic weight loss techniques end up becoming victims of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Extreme episodes of food bingeing and purging can ultimately take a massive toll on the victim?s health.

Reduced Sex Drive

Rapid weight loss can affect an individuals libido as well. People who have espoused drastic weight loss plans have experienced a lower sex drive compared to their counterparts who have shed their excess ?weight in a slow and sensible manner.?Hormonal imbalance, seizures, insomnia and infertility are just some of the other dangers of drastic weight loss.

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5 Likely Dangers Of Drastic Weight Loss, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Source: http://www.ayushveda.com/dietfitness/5-likely-dangers-of-drastic-weight-loss/

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